get_slug(); $unique_affix = $fs->get_unique_affix(); $last_license_user_id = $fs->get_last_license_user_id(); $has_last_license_user_id = FS_User::is_valid_id( $last_license_user_id ); $message_above_input_field = ( ! $has_last_license_user_id ) ? fs_text_inline( 'Please enter the license key to enable the debug mode:', 'submit-developer-license-key-message', $slug ) : sprintf( fs_text_inline( 'To enter the debug mode, please enter the secret key of the license owner (UserID = %d), which you can find in your "My Profile" section of your User Dashboard:', 'submit-addon-developer-key-message', $slug ), $last_license_user_id ); $processing_text = ( fs_esc_js_inline( 'Processing', 'processing', $slug ) . '...' ); $submit_button_text = fs_text_inline( 'Submit', 'submit', $slug ); $debug_license_link_text = fs_esc_html_inline( 'Start Debug', 'start-debug-license', $slug ); $license_or_user_key_text = ( ! $has_last_license_user_id ) ? fs_text_inline( 'License key', 'license-key' , $slug ) : fs_text_inline( 'User key', 'user-key' , $slug ); $input_html = ""; $modal_content_html = <<< HTML


{$input_html} HTML; fs_enqueue_local_style( 'fs_dialog_boxes', '/admin/dialog-boxes.css' ); ?>