0, 'POST' => 0, 'PUT' => 0, 'DELETE' => 0 ); $show_body = false; foreach ( $logger as $log ) { $counters[ $log['method'] ] ++; if ( ! is_null( $log['body'] ) ) { $show_body = true; } } $pretty_print = $show_body && defined( 'JSON_PRETTY_PRINT' ) && version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3', '>=' ); /** * This template is used for debugging, therefore, when possible * we'd like to prettify the output of a JSON encoded variable. * This will only be executed when $pretty_print is `true`, and * the var is `true` only for PHP 5.3 and higher. Due to the * limitations of the current Theme Check, it throws an error * that using the "options" parameter (the 2nd param) is not * supported in PHP 5.2 and lower. Thus, we added this alias * variable to work around that false-positive. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since */ $encode = 'json_encode'; $root_path_len = strlen( ABSPATH ); $ms_text = fs_text_x_inline( 'ms', 'milliseconds' ); ?>
# | ||||||||
. | %s', $log['path'] ); ?> | %s', substr( $body, 0, 32 ) . ( 32 < strlen( $body ) ? '...' : '' ) ); if ( $pretty_print ) { $body = $encode( json_decode( $log['body'] ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); } ?> |
substr( $result, 0, 32 ) . ( 32 < strlen( $result ) ? '...' : '' )
if ( $is_not_empty_result && $pretty_print ) {
$decoded = json_decode( $result );
if ( ! is_null( $decoded ) ) {
$result = $encode( $decoded, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
} else {
$result = is_string( $result ) ? $result : json_encode( $result );
style="display: none">