You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
781 lines
22 KiB
781 lines
22 KiB
11 months ago
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Checkbox field.
* @since 1.0.0
class WPForms_Field_Checkbox extends WPForms_Field {
* Primary class constructor.
* @since 1.0.0
public function init() {
// Define field type information.
$this->name = esc_html__( 'Checkboxes', 'wpforms-lite' );
$this->keywords = esc_html__( 'choice', 'wpforms-lite' );
$this->type = 'checkbox';
$this->icon = 'fa-check-square-o';
$this->order = 110;
$this->defaults = [
1 => [
'label' => esc_html__( 'First Choice', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'value' => '',
'image' => '',
'icon' => '',
'icon_style' => '',
'default' => '',
2 => [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Second Choice', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'value' => '',
'image' => '',
'icon' => '',
'icon_style' => '',
'default' => '',
3 => [
'label' => esc_html__( 'Third Choice', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'value' => '',
'image' => '',
'icon' => '',
'icon_style' => '',
'default' => '',
* Hooks.
* @since 1.8.1
private function hooks() {
// Customize HTML field values.
add_filter( 'wpforms_html_field_value', [ $this, 'field_html_value' ], 10, 4 );
// Define additional field properties.
add_filter( 'wpforms_field_properties_checkbox', [ $this, 'field_properties' ], 5, 3 );
// This field requires fieldset+legend instead of the field label.
add_filter( "wpforms_frontend_modern_is_field_requires_fieldset_{$this->type}", '__return_true', PHP_INT_MAX, 2 );
* Define additional field properties.
* @since 1.4.5
* @param array $properties Field properties.
* @param array $field Field settings.
* @param array $form_data Form data and settings.
* @return array
public function field_properties( $properties, $field, $form_data ) {
// Define data.
$form_id = absint( $form_data['id'] );
$field_id = absint( $field['id'] );
$choices = $field['choices'];
$dynamic = wpforms_get_field_dynamic_choices( $field, $form_id, $form_data );
if ( $dynamic !== false ) {
$choices = $dynamic;
$field['show_values'] = true;
// Remove primary input.
unset( $properties['inputs']['primary'] );
// Set input container (ul) properties.
$properties['input_container'] = [
'class' => [ ! empty( $field['random'] ) ? 'wpforms-randomize' : '' ],
'data' => [],
'attr' => [],
'id' => "wpforms-{$form_id}-field_{$field_id}",
$field['choice_limit'] = empty( $field['choice_limit'] ) ? 0 : (int) $field['choice_limit'];
if ( $field['choice_limit'] > 0 ) {
$properties['input_container']['data']['choice-limit'] = $field['choice_limit'];
// Set input properties.
foreach ( $choices as $key => $choice ) {
// Used for dynamic choices.
$depth = isset( $choice['depth'] ) ? absint( $choice['depth'] ) : 1;
$label = isset( $choice['label'] ) ? $choice['label'] : '';
// Choice labels should not be left blank, but if they are we
// provide a basic value.
$value = isset( $field['show_values'] ) ? $choice['value'] : $label;
if ( '' === $value ) {
if ( 1 === count( $choices ) ) {
$value = esc_html__( 'Checked', 'wpforms-lite' );
} else {
/* translators: %s - choice number. */
$value = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Choice %s', 'wpforms-lite' ), $key );
$properties['inputs'][ $key ] = [
'container' => [
'attr' => [],
'class' => [ "choice-{$key}", "depth-{$depth}" ],
'data' => [],
'id' => '',
'label' => [
'attr' => [
'for' => "wpforms-{$form_id}-field_{$field_id}_{$key}",
'class' => [ 'wpforms-field-label-inline' ],
'data' => [],
'id' => '',
'text' => $label,
'attr' => [
'name' => "wpforms[fields][{$field_id}][]",
'value' => $value,
'class' => [],
'data' => [],
'id' => "wpforms-{$form_id}-field_{$field_id}_{$key}",
'icon' => isset( $choice['icon'] ) ? $choice['icon'] : '',
'icon_style' => isset( $choice['icon_style'] ) ? $choice['icon_style'] : '',
'image' => isset( $choice['image'] ) ? $choice['image'] : '',
'required' => ! empty( $field['required'] ) ? 'required' : '',
'default' => isset( $choice['default'] ),
// Rule for validator only if needed.
if ( $field['choice_limit'] > 0 ) {
$properties['inputs'][ $key ]['data']['rule-check-limit'] = 'true';
// Required class for pagebreak validation.
if ( ! empty( $field['required'] ) ) {
$properties['input_container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-field-required';
// Custom properties if image choices is enabled.
if ( ! $dynamic && ! empty( $field['choices_images'] ) ) {
$properties['input_container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-image-choices';
$properties['input_container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-image-choices-' . sanitize_html_class( $field['choices_images_style'] );
foreach ( $properties['inputs'] as $key => $inputs ) {
$properties['inputs'][ $key ]['container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-image-choices-item';
if ( in_array( $field['choices_images_style'], [ 'modern', 'classic' ], true ) ) {
$properties['inputs'][ $key ]['class'][] = 'wpforms-screen-reader-element';
} elseif ( ! $dynamic && ! empty( $field['choices_icons'] ) ) {
$properties = wpforms()->get( 'icon_choices' )->field_properties( $properties, $field );
// Custom properties for disclaimer format display.
if ( ! empty( $field['disclaimer_format'] ) ) {
$properties['description']['class'][] = 'wpforms-disclaimer-description';
$properties['description']['value'] = nl2br( $properties['description']['value'] );
// Add selected class for choices with defaults.
foreach ( $properties['inputs'] as $key => $inputs ) {
if ( ! empty( $inputs['default'] ) ) {
$properties['inputs'][ $key ]['container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-selected';
return $properties;
* Field options panel inside the builder.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $field Field settings.
public function field_options( $field ) {
* Basic field options.
// Options open markup.
'markup' => 'open',
// Label.
$this->field_option( 'label', $field );
// Choices.
$this->field_option( 'choices', $field );
// Choices Images.
$this->field_option( 'choices_images', $field );
// Choices Images Style (theme).
$this->field_option( 'choices_images_style', $field );
// Choices Icons.
$this->field_option( 'choices_icons', $field );
// Choices Icons Color.
$this->field_option( 'choices_icons_color', $field );
// Choices Icons Size.
$this->field_option( 'choices_icons_size', $field );
// Choices Icons Style.
$this->field_option( 'choices_icons_style', $field );
// Description.
$this->field_option( 'description', $field );
// Required toggle.
$this->field_option( 'required', $field );
// Options close markup.
'markup' => 'close',
* Advanced field options
// Options open markup.
'markup' => 'open',
// Randomize order of choices.
'slug' => 'random',
'content' => $this->field_element(
'slug' => 'random',
'value' => isset( $field['random'] ) ? '1' : '0',
'desc' => esc_html__( 'Randomize Choices', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'tooltip' => esc_html__( 'Check this option to randomize the order of the choices.', 'wpforms-lite' ),
// Show Values toggle option. This option will only show if already used
// or if manually enabled by a filter.
if ( ! empty( $field['show_values'] ) || wpforms_show_fields_options_setting() ) {
'slug' => 'show_values',
'content' => $this->field_element(
'slug' => 'show_values',
'value' => isset( $field['show_values'] ) ? $field['show_values'] : '0',
'desc' => esc_html__( 'Show Values', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'tooltip' => esc_html__( 'Check this option to manually set form field values.', 'wpforms-lite' ),
// Display format.
$this->field_option( 'input_columns', $field );
// Choice Limit.
$field['choice_limit'] = empty( $field['choice_limit'] ) ? 0 : (int) $field['choice_limit'];
'slug' => 'choice_limit',
'content' =>
'slug' => 'choice_limit',
'value' => esc_html__( 'Choice Limit', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'tooltip' => esc_html__( 'Limit the number of checkboxes a user can select. Leave empty for unlimited.', 'wpforms-lite' ),
) . $this->field_element(
'slug' => 'choice_limit',
'value' => $field['choice_limit'] > 0 ? $field['choice_limit'] : '',
'type' => 'number',
// Dynamic choice auto-populating toggle.
$this->field_option( 'dynamic_choices', $field );
// Dynamic choice source.
$this->field_option( 'dynamic_choices_source', $field );
// Custom CSS classes.
$this->field_option( 'css', $field );
// Hide label.
$this->field_option( 'label_hide', $field );
// Enable Disclaimer formatting.
'slug' => 'disclaimer_format',
'content' => $this->field_element(
'slug' => 'disclaimer_format',
'value' => isset( $field['disclaimer_format'] ) ? '1' : '0',
'desc' => esc_html__( 'Enable Disclaimer / Terms of Service Display', 'wpforms-lite' ),
'tooltip' => esc_html__( 'Check this option to adjust the field styling to support Disclaimers and Terms of Service type agreements.', 'wpforms-lite' ),
// Options close markup.
'markup' => 'close',
* Field preview inside the builder.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $field Field settings.
public function field_preview( $field ) {
// Label.
$this->field_preview_option( 'label', $field );
// Choices.
$this->field_preview_option( 'choices', $field );
// Description.
'class' => ! empty( $field['disclaimer_format'] ) ? 'disclaimer nl2br' : false,
* Field display on the form front-end and admin entry edit page.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $field Field settings.
* @param array $deprecated Deprecated array.
* @param array $form_data Form data and settings.
public function field_display( $field, $deprecated, $form_data ) {
$using_image_choices = empty( $field['dynamic_choices'] ) && ! empty( $field['choices_images'] );
$using_icon_choices = empty( $field['dynamic_choices'] ) && empty( $field['choices_images'] ) && ! empty( $field['choices_icons'] );
// Define data.
$container = $field['properties']['input_container'];
$choices = $field['properties']['inputs'];
// Do not display the field with empty choices on the frontend.
if ( ! $choices && ! is_admin() ) {
// Display a warning message on Entry Edit page.
if ( ! $choices && is_admin() ) {
$this->display_empty_dynamic_choices_message( $field );
$amp_state_id = '';
if ( wpforms_is_amp() && ( $using_image_choices || $using_icon_choices ) ) {
$amp_state_id = str_replace( '-', '_', sanitize_key( $container['id'] ) ) . '_state';
$state = [];
foreach ( $choices as $key => $choice ) {
$state[ $choice['id'] ] = ! empty( $choice['default'] );
'<amp-state id="%s"><script type="application/json">%s</script></amp-state>',
esc_attr( $amp_state_id ),
wp_json_encode( $state )
'<ul %s>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $container['id'], $container['class'], $container['data'], $container['attr'] )
foreach ( $choices as $key => $choice ) {
if ( wpforms_is_amp() && ( $using_image_choices || $using_icon_choices ) ) {
$choice['container']['attr']['[class]'] = sprintf(
'%s + ( %s[%s] ? " wpforms-selected" : "")',
wp_json_encode( implode( ' ', $choice['container']['class'] ) ),
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] )
// If the field is required, has the label hidden, and has
// disclaimer mode enabled, so the required status in choice
// label.
$required = '';
if ( ! empty( $field['disclaimer_format'] ) && ! empty( $choice['required'] ) && ! empty( $field['label_hide'] ) ) {
$required = wpforms_get_field_required_label();
'<li %s>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $choice['container']['id'], $choice['container']['class'], $choice['container']['data'], $choice['container']['attr'] )
// The required constraint in HTML5 form validation does not work with checkbox groups, so omit in AMP.
$required_attr = wpforms_is_amp() && count( $choices ) > 1 ? '' : $choice['required'];
if ( $using_image_choices ) {
// Make sure the image choices are keyboard-accessible.
$choice['label']['attr']['tabindex'] = 0;
if ( wpforms_is_amp() ) {
$choice['label']['attr']['on'] = sprintf(
'tap:AMP.setState({ %s: { %s: ! %s[%s] } })',
wp_json_encode( $amp_state_id ),
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] ),
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] )
$choice['label']['attr']['role'] = 'button';
// Image choices.
'<label %s>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $choice['label']['id'], $choice['label']['class'], $choice['label']['data'], $choice['label']['attr'] )
echo '<span class="wpforms-image-choices-image">';
if ( ! empty( $choice['image'] ) ) {
'<img src="%s" alt="%s"%s>',
esc_url( $choice['image'] ),
esc_attr( $choice['label']['text'] ),
! empty( $choice['label']['text'] ) ? ' title="' . esc_attr( $choice['label']['text'] ) . '"' : ''
echo '</span>';
if ( $field['choices_images_style'] === 'none' ) {
echo '<br>';
$choice['attr']['tabindex'] = '-1';
if ( wpforms_is_amp() ) {
$choice['attr']['[checked]'] = sprintf(
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] )
'<input type="checkbox" %s %s %s>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $choice['id'], $choice['class'], $choice['data'], $choice['attr'] ),
esc_attr( $required_attr ),
checked( '1', $choice['default'], false )
echo '<span class="wpforms-image-choices-label">' . wp_kses_post( $choice['label']['text'] ) . '</span>';
echo '</label>';
} elseif ( $using_icon_choices ) {
if ( wpforms_is_amp() ) {
$choice['label']['attr']['on'] = sprintf(
'tap:AMP.setState({ %s: { %s: ! %s[%s] } })',
wp_json_encode( $amp_state_id ),
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] ),
wp_json_encode( $choice['id'] )
$choice['label']['attr']['role'] = 'button';
// Icon Choices.
wpforms()->get( 'icon_choices' )->field_display( $field, $choice, 'checkbox' );
} else {
// Normal display.
'<input type="checkbox" %s %s %s>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $choice['id'], $choice['class'], $choice['data'], $choice['attr'] ),
esc_attr( $required_attr ),
checked( '1', $choice['default'], false )
'<label %s>%s%s</label>',
wpforms_html_attributes( $choice['label']['id'], $choice['label']['class'], $choice['label']['data'], $choice['label']['attr'] ),
wp_kses_post( $choice['label']['text'] ),
'span' => [
'class' => true,
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
* Validate field on form submit.
* @since 1.5.2
* @param int $field_id Field ID.
* @param array $field_submit Submitted field value (selected option).
* @param array $form_data Form data.
public function validate( $field_id, $field_submit, $form_data ) {
$field = $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ];
// Skip validation if field is dynamic and choices are empty.
if ( $this->is_dynamic_choices_empty( $field, $form_data ) ) {
$field_submit = (array) $field_submit;
$choice_limit = empty( $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]['choice_limit'] ) ? 0 : (int) $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]['choice_limit'];
$count_choices = count( $field_submit );
if ( $choice_limit > 0 && $count_choices > $choice_limit ) {
// Generating the error.
$error = wpforms_setting( 'validation-check-limit', esc_html__( 'You have exceeded the number of allowed selections: {#}.', 'wpforms-lite' ) );
$error = str_replace( '{#}', $choice_limit, $error );
// Basic required check - If field is marked as required, check for entry data.
if (
! empty( $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]['required'] ) &&
empty( $field_submit ) ||
count( $field_submit ) === 1 &&
( ! isset( $field_submit[0] ) || (string) $field_submit[0] === '' )
) {
$error = wpforms_get_required_label();
if ( ! empty( $error ) ) {
wpforms()->process->errors[ $form_data['id'] ][ $field_id ] = $error;
* Format and sanitize field.
* @since 1.0.2
* @param int $field_id Field ID.
* @param array $field_submit Submitted form data.
* @param array $form_data Form data and settings.
public function format( $field_id, $field_submit, $form_data ) {
$field_submit = (array) $field_submit;
$field = $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ];
$dynamic = ! empty( $field['dynamic_choices'] ) ? $field['dynamic_choices'] : false;
$name = sanitize_text_field( $field['label'] );
$value_raw = wpforms_sanitize_array_combine( $field_submit );
$data = [
'name' => $name,
'value' => '',
'value_raw' => $value_raw,
'id' => absint( $field_id ),
'type' => $this->type,
if ( 'post_type' === $dynamic && ! empty( $field['dynamic_post_type'] ) ) {
// Dynamic population is enabled using post type.
$value_raw = implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $field_submit ) );
$data['value_raw'] = $value_raw;
$data['dynamic'] = 'post_type';
$data['dynamic_items'] = $value_raw;
$data['dynamic_post_type'] = $field['dynamic_post_type'];
$posts = [];
foreach ( $field_submit as $id ) {
$post = get_post( $id );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $post ) && ! empty( $post ) && $data['dynamic_post_type'] === $post->post_type ) {
$posts[] = esc_html( wpforms_get_post_title( $post ) );
$data['value'] = ! empty( $posts ) ? wpforms_sanitize_array_combine( $posts ) : '';
elseif ( 'taxonomy' === $dynamic && ! empty( $field['dynamic_taxonomy'] ) ) {
// Dynamic population is enabled using taxonomy.
$value_raw = implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $field_submit ) );
$data['value_raw'] = $value_raw;
$data['dynamic'] = 'taxonomy';
$data['dynamic_items'] = $value_raw;
$data['dynamic_taxonomy'] = $field['dynamic_taxonomy'];
$terms = [];
foreach ( $field_submit as $id ) {
$term = get_term( $id, $field['dynamic_taxonomy'] );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $term ) && ! empty( $term ) ) {
$terms[] = esc_html( wpforms_get_term_name( $term ) );
$data['value'] = ! empty( $terms ) ? wpforms_sanitize_array_combine( $terms ) : '';
} else {
// Normal processing, dynamic population is off.
$choice_keys = [];
// If show_values is true, that means values posted are the raw values
// and not the labels. So we need to set label values. Also store
// the choice keys.
if ( ! empty( $field['show_values'] ) && (int) $field['show_values'] === 1 ) {
foreach ( $field_submit as $item ) {
foreach ( $field['choices'] as $key => $choice ) {
if ( $item === $choice['value'] || ( empty( $choice['value'] ) && (int) str_replace( 'Choice ', '', $item ) === $key ) ) {
$value[] = $choice['label'];
$choice_keys[] = $key;
$data['value'] = ! empty( $value ) ? wpforms_sanitize_array_combine( $value ) : '';
} else {
$data['value'] = $value_raw;
// Determine choices keys, this is needed for image choices.
foreach ( $field_submit as $item ) {
foreach ( $field['choices'] as $key => $choice ) {
/* translators: %s - choice number. */
if ( $item === $choice['label'] || $item === sprintf( esc_html__( 'Choice %s', 'wpforms-lite' ), $key ) ) {
$choice_keys[] = $key;
// Images choices are enabled, lookup and store image URLs.
if ( ! empty( $choice_keys ) && ! empty( $field['choices_images'] ) ) {
$data['images'] = [];
foreach ( $choice_keys as $key ) {
$data['images'][] = ! empty( $field['choices'][ $key ]['image'] ) ? esc_url_raw( $field['choices'][ $key ]['image'] ) : '';
// Push field details to be saved.
wpforms()->process->fields[ $field_id ] = $data;
new WPForms_Field_Checkbox();