You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
719 lines
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719 lines
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11 months ago
* Trait Sanitization_Utils.
* @link
* @copyright 2020 Google LLC
* @license Apache License 2.0
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Google\Web_Stories\AMP\Traits;
use AmpProject\Dom\Document as AMP_Document;
use DOMAttr;
use DOMElement;
use DOMNode;
use DOMNodeList;
use Google\Web_Stories_Dependencies\AmpProject\Dom\Document;
* Trait Sanitization_Utils
* @since 1.1.0
trait Sanitization_Utils {
* Replaces the HTML start tag to make the language attributes dynamic.
* @since 1.1.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function transform_html_start_tag( $document ): void {
$document->html->setAttribute( 'amp', '' );
// See get_language_attributes().
if ( is_rtl() ) {
$document->html->setAttribute( 'dir', 'rtl' );
$lang = get_bloginfo( 'language' );
if ( $lang ) {
$document->html->setAttribute( 'lang', $lang );
* Transform all hyperlinks to ensure they're always valid.
* Adds target="_blank" and rel="noreferrer" attributes.
* Does not add rel="noreferrer" for same-origin links.
* Removes empty data-tooltip-icon and data-tooltip-text attributes
* to prevent validation issues.
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
* @since 1.1.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function transform_a_tags( $document ): void {
$links = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
* The <a> element
* @var DOMElement $link The <a> element
foreach ( $links as $link ) {
$url = $link->getAttribute( 'href' );
$is_relative_link = str_starts_with( $url, '#' );
if ( ! $is_relative_link && ! $link->getAttribute( 'target' ) ) {
$link->setAttribute( 'target', '_blank' );
$is_link_to_same_origin = str_starts_with( $url, home_url() ) || $is_relative_link;
$rel = $link->getAttribute( 'rel' );
// Links to the same site should not have "noreferrer".
// Other rel values should not be modified.
// See
$rel = str_replace( 'noreferrer', '', $rel );
if ( ! $is_link_to_same_origin ) {
$rel .= ' noreferrer';
if ( empty( $rel ) ) {
$link->removeAttribute( 'rel' );
} else {
$link->setAttribute( 'rel', trim( $rel ) );
if ( ! $link->getAttribute( 'data-tooltip-icon' ) ) {
$link->removeAttribute( 'data-tooltip-icon' );
if ( ! $link->getAttribute( 'data-tooltip-text' ) ) {
$link->removeAttribute( 'data-tooltip-text' );
// Extra hardening to catch links without a proper protocol.
// Matches withProtocol() util in the editor.
if (
! $is_relative_link &&
! str_starts_with( $url, 'http://' ) &&
! str_starts_with( $url, 'https://' ) &&
! str_starts_with( $url, 'tel:' ) &&
! str_starts_with( $url, 'mailto:' )
) {
$link->setAttribute( 'href', 'https://' . $url );
* Transforms all paragraphs in a story to use semantic heading tags if needed.
* This logic here mirrors the getTextElementTagNames() function in the editor
* in order to change simple <p> tags into <h1>, <h2> or <h3>, depending on font size.
* It is only relevant for older stories that haven't been updated in a while,
* so we bail early if we find any existing headings in the story.
* Caveat: if a user forces *all* text elements to be paragraphs,
* this sanitizer would still run and thus turn some paragraphs into headings.
* This seems rather unlikely though.
* @since 1.18.0
* @link
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function use_semantic_heading_tags( $document ): void {
$h1 = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'h1' );
$h2 = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'h2' );
$h3 = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'h3' );
// When a story already contains any headings, we don't need to do anything further.
if ( $h1->count() || $h2->count() || $h3->count() ) {
$pages = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-story-page' );
* The <amp-story-page> element
* @var DOMElement $page The <amp-story-page> element
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$text_elements = $document->xpath->query( './/p[ contains( @class, "text-wrapper" ) ]', $page );
if ( ! $text_elements ) {
$this->use_semantic_heading_tags_for_elements( $text_elements );
* Transforms a list of elements to use semantic heading tags if needed.
* @since 1.18.0
* @param DOMNodeList $text_elements List of text elements.
private function use_semantic_heading_tags_for_elements( DOMNodeList $text_elements ): void {
// Matches PAGE_HEIGHT in the editor, as also seen in amp-story-grid-layer[aspect-ratio].
$page_height = 618;
$has_h1 = false;
* The individual text element.
* @var DOMElement $text_el The text element.
foreach ( $text_elements as $text_el ) {
$style = $text_el->getAttribute( 'style' );
$matches = [];
// See
if ( \strlen( trim( $text_el->textContent ) ) <= 3 ) {
if ( ! preg_match( '/font-size:([^em]+)em/', $style, $matches ) ) {
// Contains the font-size in em.
// This is basically reversing the dataToFontSizeY() logic. Example:
// 0.582524em roughly equals 36 editor pixels: 0.582524 * 618 / 10 = 35.9999px.
$font_size_in_em = (float) $matches[1];
$font_size_in_px = round( $font_size_in_em * $page_height / 10 );
if ( $font_size_in_px >= 36 && ! $has_h1 ) {
$this->change_tag_name( $text_el, 'h1' );
$has_h1 = true;
if ( $font_size_in_px >= 27 ) {
$this->change_tag_name( $text_el, 'h2' );
} elseif ( $font_size_in_px >= 21 ) {
$this->change_tag_name( $text_el, 'h3' );
* Changes an element's tag name.
* @since 1.18.0
* @param DOMElement $node Element whose tag name should be changed.
* @param string $tag_name Desired new tag name, e.g. h1 or h2.
private function change_tag_name( DOMElement $node, string $tag_name ): void {
* Owner document.
* @var Document|AMP_Document Owner document.
$document = $node->ownerDocument;
$new_node = $document->createElement( $tag_name );
if ( ! $new_node instanceof DOMElement ) {
// Copy over all children first.
foreach ( $node->childNodes as $child ) {
* Child node.
* @var DOMNode $child Child node.
$new_node->appendChild( $document->importNode( $child->cloneNode( true ), true ) );
// Then, copy over all attributes.
foreach ( $node->attributes as $attr ) {
* Attribute.
* @var DOMAttr $attr Attribute.
$new_node->setAttribute( $attr->nodeName, $attr->nodeValue ?? '' );
if ( $node->parentNode ) {
$node->parentNode->replaceChild( $new_node, $node );
* Sanitizes <amp-story-page-outlink> elements to ensure they're always valid.
* Removes empty `cta-image` attributes.
* Ensures the element is always the last child of <amp-story-page>.
* @since 1.13.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function sanitize_amp_story_page_outlink( $document ): void {
$outlink_elements = $document->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-story-page-outlink' );
* The <amp-story-page-outlink> element
* @var DOMElement $element The <amp-story-page-outlink> element
foreach ( $outlink_elements as $element ) {
if ( ! $element->getAttribute( 'cta-image' ) ) {
$element->removeAttribute( 'cta-image' );
$amp_story_page = $element->parentNode;
if ( $amp_story_page && $element !== $amp_story_page->lastChild ) {
$amp_story_page->removeChild( $element );
$amp_story_page->appendChild( $element );
* Replaces the placeholder of publisher logo in the content.
* @since 1.1.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
* @param string $publisher_logo Publisher logo.
private function add_publisher_logo( $document, string $publisher_logo ): void {
* The <amp-story> element.
* @var DOMElement|DOMNode $story_element The <amp-story> element.
$story_element = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-story' )->item( 0 );
if ( ! $story_element instanceof DOMElement ) {
// Add a publisher logo if missing or just a placeholder.
$existing_publisher_logo = $story_element->getAttribute( 'publisher-logo-src' );
// Backward compatibility for when fallback-wordpress-publisher-logo.png was provided by the plugin.
if ( ! $existing_publisher_logo || str_contains( $existing_publisher_logo, 'fallback-wordpress-publisher-logo.png' ) ) {
$story_element->setAttribute( 'publisher-logo-src', $publisher_logo );
if ( ! $story_element->getAttribute( 'publisher-logo-src' ) ) {
$story_element->setAttribute( 'publisher-logo-src', $publisher_logo );
* Replaces the placeholder of publisher in the content.
* Ensures the `publisher` attribute exists if missing.
* @since 1.7.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
* @param string $publisher Publisher logo.
private function add_publisher( $document, string $publisher ): void {
* The <amp-story> element.
* @var DOMElement|DOMNode $story_element The <amp-story> element.
$story_element = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-story' )->item( 0 );
if ( ! $story_element instanceof DOMElement ) {
if ( $publisher || ! $story_element->hasAttribute( 'publisher' ) ) {
$story_element->setAttribute( 'publisher', $publisher );
* Adds square, and landscape poster images to the <amp-story>.
* @since 1.1.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
* @param string[] $poster_images List of poster images, keyed by type.
private function add_poster_images( $document, array $poster_images ): void {
* The <amp-story> element.
* @var DOMElement|DOMNode $story_element The <amp-story> element.
$story_element = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-story' )->item( 0 );
if ( ! $story_element instanceof DOMElement ) {
// The story sanitizer only passes valid, non-empty URLs that are already escaped.
// That means we don't need to do any additional checks here or worry about accidentally overriding
// an existing poster-portrait-src attribute value with an empty one.
foreach ( $poster_images as $attr => $url ) {
$story_element->setAttribute( $attr, $url );
if ( ! $story_element->getAttribute( 'poster-portrait-src' ) ) {
$story_element->setAttribute( 'poster-portrait-src', '' );
* De-duplicate inline styles in the story.
* Greatly reduce the amount of `style[amp-custom]` CSS for stories by de-duplicating inline styles
* and moving to simple class selector style rules, avoiding the specificity hack
* that the AMP plugin's style sanitizer employs.
* @since 1.8.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function deduplicate_inline_styles( $document ): void {
$elements_by_inline_style = [];
// Gather all elements based on their common inline styles.
$elements_with_style = $document->xpath->query( '//*[ @style ]' );
if ( $elements_with_style instanceof DOMNodeList && $elements_with_style->length > 0 ) {
* The element with inline styles.
* @var DOMElement $styled_element The element.
foreach ( $elements_with_style as $styled_element ) {
$value = $styled_element->getAttribute( 'style' );
$styled_element->removeAttribute( 'style' );
$elements_by_inline_style[ $value ][] = $styled_element;
if ( empty( $elements_by_inline_style ) ) {
$style_element = $document->createElement( 'style' );
if ( ! $style_element ) {
$document->head->appendChild( $style_element );
// Create style rule for each inline style and add class name to each element.
foreach ( $elements_by_inline_style as $inline_style => $styled_elements ) {
$inline_style_class_name = '_' . substr( md5( (string) $inline_style ), 0, 7 );
$style_rule = $document->createTextNode( sprintf( '.%s{%s}', $inline_style_class_name, $inline_style ) );
$style_element->appendChild( $style_rule );
* The element with inline styles.
* @var DOMElement $styled_element The element.
foreach ( $styled_elements as $styled_element ) {
$class_name = $inline_style_class_name;
if ( $styled_element->hasAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
$class_name .= ' ' . $styled_element->getAttribute( 'class' );
$styled_element->setAttribute( 'class', $class_name );
* Enables using video cache by adding the necessary attribute to `<amp-video>`
* @since 1.10.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
* @param bool $video_cache_enabled Whether video cache is enabled.
private function add_video_cache( $document, bool $video_cache_enabled ): void {
if ( ! $video_cache_enabled ) {
$videos = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-video' );
* The <amp-video> element
* @var DOMElement $video The <amp-video> element
foreach ( $videos as $video ) {
$video->setAttribute( 'cache', 'google' );
* Determines whether a URL is a `blob:` URL.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param string $url URL.
* @return bool Whether it's a blob URL.
private function is_blob_url( string $url ): bool {
return str_starts_with( $url, 'blob:' );
* Remove `blob:` URLs from videos and images that might have slipped through.
* @since 1.9.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function remove_blob_urls( $document ): void {
* List of <amp-video> elements.
* @var DOMElement[] $videos Video elements.
$videos = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-video' );
foreach ( $videos as $video ) {
if ( $this->is_blob_url( $video->getAttribute( 'poster' ) ) ) {
$video->setAttribute( 'poster', '' );
if ( $this->is_blob_url( $video->getAttribute( 'artwork' ) ) ) {
$video->setAttribute( 'artwork', '' );
* List of <source> child elements.
* @var DOMElement[] $video_sources Video source elements.
$video_sources = $video->getElementsByTagName( 'source' );
foreach ( $video_sources as $source ) {
if ( $this->is_blob_url( $source->getAttribute( 'src' ) ) ) {
$source->setAttribute( 'src', '' );
* List of <amp-img> elements.
* @var DOMElement[] $images Image elements.
$images = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' );
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
if ( $this->is_blob_url( $image->getAttribute( 'src' ) ) ) {
$image->setAttribute( 'src', '' );
* Sanitize amp-img[srcset] attributes to remove duplicates.
* @since 1.10.0
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function sanitize_srcset( $document ): void {
* List of <amp-img> elements.
* @var DOMElement[] $images Image elements.
$images = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' );
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
$srcset = $image->getAttribute( 'srcset' );
if ( ! $srcset ) {
$matches = [];
// Matches every srcset entry (consisting of a URL and a width descriptor) within `srcset=""`.
// Not using explode(',') to not break with URLs containing commas.
// Given "foo1,2/image.png 123w, foo2,3/image.png 456w", the named capture group "entry"
// will contain "foo1,2/image.png 123w" and "foo2,3/image.png 456w", without the trailing commas.
preg_match_all( '/((?<entry>[^ ]+ [\d]+w),?)/', $srcset, $matches );
$entries = $matches['entry'] ?? [];
$entries_by_widths = [];
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
$entry_data = explode( ' ', $entry );
if ( ! isset( $entries_by_widths[ $entry_data[1] ] ) ) {
$entries_by_widths[ $entry_data[1] ] = $entry;
$image->setAttribute( 'srcset', implode( ', ', $entries_by_widths ) );
* Remove images referencing the grid-placeholder.png file which has since been removed.
* Prevents 404 errors for non-existent image files when creators forget to replace/remove
* the placeholder image.
* The placeholder functionality was removed in v1.14.0, nevertheless older stories could still
* reference the files.
* @since 1.14.0
* @link
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
private function remove_page_template_placeholder_images( $document ): void {
// Catches "assets/images/editor/grid-placeholder.png" as well as
// "web-stories/assets/images/adde98ae406d6b5c95d111a934487252.png" (v1.14.0)
// and potentially other variants.
$placeholder_img = 'plugins/web-stories/assets/images';
* List of <amp-img> elements.
* @var DOMElement[] $images Image elements.
$images = $document->body->getElementsByTagName( 'amp-img' );
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
$src = $image->getAttribute( 'src' );
if ( $image->parentNode && str_contains( $src, $placeholder_img ) ) {
$image->parentNode->removeChild( $image );
* Sanitizes <title> tags and meta descriptions.
* Ensures there's always just exactly one of each present.
* @since 1.28.0
* @link
* @param Document|AMP_Document $document Document instance.
* @param string $title_tag Title text to use if it's missing.
* @param string $description Description to use if it's missing.
private function sanitize_title_and_meta_description( $document, string $title_tag, string $description ): void {
* List of <title> elements.
* @var DOMNodeList<DOMElement> $titles Title elements.
$titles = $document->head->getElementsByTagName( 'title' );
if ( $titles->length > 1 ) {
foreach ( $titles as $index => $title ) {
if ( 0 === $index ) {
$document->head->removeChild( $title );
if ( 0 === $titles->length && ! empty( $title_tag ) ) {
* New title tag element.
* @var DOMElement $new_title
$new_title = $document->createElement( 'title' );
* Title text node.
* @var \DOMText $text_node
$text_node = $document->createTextNode( $title_tag );
$new_title->appendChild( $text_node );
$document->head->appendChild( $new_title );
* List of meta descriptions.
* @var DOMNodeList<DOMElement> $meta_descriptions Meta descriptions.
$meta_descriptions = $document->xpath->query( './/meta[@name="description"]' );
if ( $meta_descriptions->length > 1 ) {
foreach ( $meta_descriptions as $index => $meta_description ) {
if ( 0 === $index ) {
$document->head->removeChild( $meta_description );
if ( 0 === $meta_descriptions->length && ! empty( $description ) ) {
* New meta description element.
* @var DOMElement $new_description
$new_description = $document->createElement( 'meta' );
$new_description->setAttribute( 'name', 'description' );
$new_description->setAttribute( 'content', $description );
$document->head->appendChild( $new_description );