You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
292 lines
8.5 KiB
292 lines
8.5 KiB
11 months ago
* The public-facing functionality of the plugin.
* @since 0.9.0
* @package RankMath
* @subpackage RankMath\Frontend
* @author Rank Math <>
namespace RankMath\Frontend;
use RankMath\Post;
use RankMath\Helper;
use RankMath\Paper\Paper;
use RankMath\Traits\Hooker;
use RankMath\OpenGraph\Twitter;
use RankMath\OpenGraph\Facebook;
use RankMath\OpenGraph\Slack;
use RankMath\Frontend\Shortcodes;
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Frontend class.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2019, Yoast BV
* The following code is a derivative work of the code from the Yoast(, which is licensed under GPL v3.
class Frontend {
use Hooker;
* The Constructor.
public function __construct() {
if ( \RankMath\Helpers\Param::get( 'et_fb' ) ) {
* Fires when frontend is included/loaded.
$this->do_action( 'frontend/loaded' );
* Include required files.
private function includes() {
rank_math()->shortcodes = new Shortcodes();
if ( Helper::is_breadcrumbs_enabled() ) {
* If RM's breadcrumbs are enabled then we can remove the bbPress breadcrumbs.
add_filter( 'bbp_get_breadcrumb', '__return_false' );
new Redirection();
rank_math()->link_attributes = new Link_Attributes();
rank_math()->comments = new Comments();
* Hook into actions and filters.
private function hooks() {
$this->action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue' );
$this->action( 'wp', 'integrations' );
$this->filter( 'the_content_feed', 'embed_rssfooter' );
$this->filter( 'the_excerpt_rss', 'embed_rssfooter_excerpt' );
// Add support for shortcode in the Category/Term description.
add_filter( 'category_description', 'do_shortcode' );
add_filter( 'term_description', 'do_shortcode' );
* Initialize integrations.
public function integrations() {
$type = get_query_var( 'sitemap' );
if ( $this->do_filter( 'frontend/disable_integration', ! empty( $type ) || is_customize_preview() ) ) {
new Facebook();
new Twitter();
new Slack();
// Leave this for backwards compatibility as AMP plugin uses head function. We can remove this in the future update.
rank_math()->head = new Head();
if ( function_exists( 'amp_is_dev_mode' ) && amp_is_dev_mode() ) {
$this->filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'add_amp_dev_mode_attributes', 10, 2 );
$this->filter( 'amp_dev_mode_element_xpaths', 'add_amp_dev_mode_xpaths' );
* Enqueue Styles and Scripts
public function enqueue() {
if ( ! is_admin_bar_showing() || ! Helper::has_cap( 'admin_bar' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'rank-math', rank_math()->assets() . 'css/rank-math.css', null, rank_math()->version );
wp_enqueue_script( 'rank-math', rank_math()->assets() . 'js/rank-math.js', [ 'jquery' ], rank_math()->version, true );
if ( is_singular() ) {
Helper::add_json( 'objectID', Post::get_page_id() );
Helper::add_json( 'objectType', 'post' );
} elseif ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) {
Helper::add_json( 'objectID', get_queried_object_id() );
Helper::add_json( 'objectType', 'term' );
} elseif ( is_author() ) {
Helper::add_json( 'objectID', get_queried_object_id() );
Helper::add_json( 'objectType', 'user' );
* Adds the RSS header and footer messages to the RSS feed item content.
* @param string $content Feed item content.
* @return string
public function embed_rssfooter( $content ) {
return $this->embed_rss( $content, 'full' );
* Adds the RSS header and footer messages to the RSS feed item excerpt.
* @param string $content Feed item excerpt.
* @return string
public function embed_rssfooter_excerpt( $content ) {
return $this->embed_rss( $content, 'excerpt' );
* Add data-ampdevmode attribute to enqueued scripts.
* @since 1.0.45
* @param string $tag The script tag.
* @param string $handle The script handle.
* @return string Modified script tag.
public function add_amp_dev_mode_attributes( $tag, $handle ) {
if ( ! in_array( $handle, [ 'rank-math', 'jquery-core', 'jquery-migrate' ], true ) ) {
return $tag;
return preg_replace( '/(?<=<script)(?=\s|>)/i', ' data-ampdevmode', $tag );
* Add data-ampdevmode attributes to the elements that need it.
* @since 1.0.45
* @param string[] $xpaths XPath queries for elements that should get the data-ampdevmode attribute.
* @return string[] XPath queries.
public function add_amp_dev_mode_xpaths( $xpaths ) {
$xpaths[] = '//script[ contains( text(), "var rankMath" ) ]';
$xpaths[] = '//*[ @id = "rank-math-css" ]';
$xpaths[] = '//a[starts-with(@href, "tel://")]';
return $xpaths;
* Inserts the RSS header and footer messages in the RSS feed item.
* @param string $content Feed item content.
* @param string $context Feed item context, 'excerpt' or 'full'.
* @return string
private function embed_rss( $content, $context = 'full' ) {
if ( false === $this->can_embed_footer( $content, $context ) ) {
return $content;
$before = $this->get_rss_content( 'before' );
$after = $this->get_rss_content( 'after' );
if ( '' === $before && '' === $after ) {
return $content;
if ( 'excerpt' === $context && '' !== trim( $content ) ) {
$content = wpautop( $content );
return $before . $content . $after;
* Check if we can add the RSS footer and/or header to the RSS feed item.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2019, Yoast BV
* The following code is a derivative work of the code from the Yoast(, which is licensed under GPL v3.
* @param string $content Feed item content.
* @param string $context Feed item context, either 'excerpt' or 'full'.
* @return bool
private function can_embed_footer( $content, $context ) {
* Allow the RSS footer to be dynamically shown/hidden.
* @param bool $show_embed Indicates if the RSS footer should be shown or not.
* @param string $context The context of the RSS content - 'full' or 'excerpt'.
if ( false === $this->do_filter( 'frontend/rss/include_footer', true, $context ) ) {
return false;
return is_feed();
* Get RSS content for specified location.
* @param string $which Location ID.
* @return string
private function get_rss_content( $which ) {
$content = $this->do_filter( 'frontend/rss/' . $which . '_content', Helper::get_settings( 'general.rss_' . $which . '_content' ) );
return '' !== $content ? wpautop( $this->rss_replace_vars( $content ) ) : $content;
* Replace variables with the actual values in RSS header and footer messages.
* @param string $content The RSS content.
* @return string
private function rss_replace_vars( $content ) {
global $post;
* Add nofollow for the links in the RSS header and footer messages. Default: true.
* @param bool $unsigned Whether or not to follow the links in RSS feed, defaults to true.
$no_follow = $this->do_filter( 'frontend/rss/nofollow_links', true );
$no_follow = true === $no_follow ? 'rel="nofollow" ' : '';
$author_link = '';
if ( is_object( $post ) ) {
$author_link = '<a ' . $no_follow . 'href="' . esc_url( get_author_posts_url( $post->post_author ) ) . '">' . esc_html( get_the_author() ) . '</a>';
$post_link = '<a ' . $no_follow . 'href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '">' . esc_html( get_the_title() ) . '</a>';
$blog_link = '<a ' . $no_follow . 'href="' . esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) . '">' . esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) . '</a>';
$blog_desc_link = '<a ' . $no_follow . 'href="' . esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ) . '">' . esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) . ' - ' . esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'description' ) ) . '</a>';
// Featured image.
$image = Helper::get_thumbnail_with_fallback( $post->ID, 'full' );
$image = isset( $image[0] ) ? '<img src="' . $image[0] . '" style="display: block; margin: 1em auto">' : '';
$content = stripslashes( trim( $content ) );
$content = str_replace( '%AUTHORLINK%', $author_link, $content );
$content = str_replace( '%POSTLINK%', $post_link, $content );
$content = str_replace( '%BLOGLINK%', $blog_link, $content );
$content = str_replace( '%BLOGDESCLINK%', $blog_desc_link, $content );
$content = str_replace( '%FEATUREDIMAGE%', $image, $content );
return $content;