You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
359 lines
11 KiB
359 lines
11 KiB
11 months ago
* Metabox localization methods.
* @since 1.0.33
* @package RankMath
* @subpackage RankMath\Admin\Metabox
* @author Rank Math <>
namespace RankMath\Admin\Metabox;
use RankMath\KB;
use RankMath\Helper;
use RankMath\Traits\Meta;
use RankMath\Traits\Hooker;
use RankMath\Helpers\Locale;
use RankMath\Admin\Admin_Helper;
use RankMath\Helpers\Url;
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Screen.
class Screen implements IScreen {
use Meta;
use Hooker;
* Current screen object.
* @var IScreen
private $screen = null;
* Class construct
public function __construct() {
* Is creen loaded.
* @return bool
public function is_loaded() {
return ! is_null( $this->screen );
* Get object id
* @return int
public function get_object_id() {
return $this->screen->get_object_id();
* Get object type
* @return string
public function get_object_type() {
return $this->screen->get_object_type();
* Get object types to register metabox to
* @return array
public function get_object_types() {
return $this->screen->get_object_types();
* Enqueue Styles and Scripts required for screen.
public function enqueue() {
* Get analysis to run.
* @return array
public function get_analysis() {
$analyses = $this->do_filter(
return array_keys( $analyses );
* Get values for localize.
public function localize() {
$values = $this->get_values();
if ( empty( $values ) ) {
foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) {
Helper::add_json( $key, $value );
* Get common values.
* @return array
public function get_values() {
$editor = Helper::get_current_editor();
$trends_link = KB::get( 'pro', 'CE General Tab Trends' );
if ( 'gutenberg' === $editor ) {
$trends_link = KB::get( 'pro', 'Gutenberg General Tab Trends' );
} elseif ( 'elementor' === $editor ) {
$trends_link = KB::get( 'pro', 'Elementor General Tab Trends' );
$values = array_merge_recursive(
'homeUrl' => home_url(),
'objectID' => $this->get_object_id(),
'objectType' => $this->get_object_type(),
'locale' => Locale::get_site_language(),
'localeFull' => get_locale(),
'overlayImages' => Helper::choices_overlay_images(),
'defautOgImage' => Helper::get_settings( 'titles.open_graph_image', rank_math()->plugin_url() . 'assets/admin/img/social-placeholder.jpg' ),
'customPermalinks' => (bool) get_option( 'permalink_structure', false ),
'isUserRegistered' => Helper::is_site_connected(),
'autoSuggestKeywords' => Helper::is_site_connected(),
'connectSiteUrl' => Admin_Helper::get_activate_url( Url::get_current_url() ),
'maxTags' => $this->do_filter( 'focus_keyword/maxtags', 5 ),
'trendsIcon' => Admin_Helper::get_trends_icon_svg(),
'showScore' => Helper::is_score_enabled(),
'siteFavIcon' => $this->get_site_icon(),
'canUser' => [
'general' => Helper::has_cap( 'onpage_general' ),
'advanced' => Helper::has_cap( 'onpage_advanced' ) && Helper::is_advanced_mode(),
'snippet' => Helper::has_cap( 'onpage_snippet' ),
'social' => Helper::has_cap( 'onpage_social' ),
'analysis' => Helper::has_cap( 'onpage_analysis' ),
'analytics' => Helper::has_cap( 'analytics' ),
'content_ai' => Helper::has_cap( 'content_ai' ),
'assessor' => [
'serpData' => $this->get_object_values(),
'powerWords' => $this->power_words(),
'diacritics' => $this->diacritics(),
'researchesTests' => $this->get_analysis(),
'hasRedirection' => Helper::is_module_active( 'redirections' ),
'hasBreadcrumb' => Helper::is_breadcrumbs_enabled(),
'isPro' => defined( 'RANK_MATH_PRO_FILE' ),
'is_front_page' => Admin_Helper::is_home_page(),
'trendsUpgradeLink' => esc_url_raw( $trends_link ),
'trendsUpgradeLabel' => esc_html__( 'Upgrade', 'rank-math' ),
'trendsPreviewImage' => esc_url( rank_math()->plugin_url() . 'assets/admin/img/trends-preview.jpg' ),
'currentEditor' => $editor,
$values = $this->do_filter( 'metabox/values', $values, $this );
return $this->do_filter( 'metabox/' . $this->get_object_type() . '/values', $values, $this );
* Get object values for localize
* @return array
public function get_object_values() {
$keys = $this->do_filter(
'metabox/' . $this->get_object_type() . '/meta_keys',
'title' => 'title',
'description' => 'description',
'focusKeywords' => 'focus_keyword',
'pillarContent' => 'pillar_content',
'canonicalUrl' => 'canonical_url',
'breadcrumbTitle' => 'breadcrumb_title',
'advancedRobots' => 'advanced_robots',
// Facebook.
'facebookTitle' => 'facebook_title',
'facebookDescription' => 'facebook_description',
'facebookImage' => 'facebook_image',
'facebookImageID' => 'facebook_image_id',
'facebookHasOverlay' => 'facebook_enable_image_overlay',
'facebookImageOverlay' => 'facebook_image_overlay',
'facebookAuthor' => 'facebook_author',
// Twitter.
'twitterCardType' => 'twitter_card_type',
'twitterUseFacebook' => 'twitter_use_facebook',
'twitterTitle' => 'twitter_title',
'twitterDescription' => 'twitter_description',
'twitterImage' => 'twitter_image',
'twitterImageID' => 'twitter_image_id',
'twitterHasOverlay' => 'twitter_enable_image_overlay',
'twitterImageOverlay' => 'twitter_image_overlay',
// Player.
'twitterPlayerUrl' => 'twitter_player_url',
'twitterPlayerSize' => 'twitter_player_size',
'twitterPlayerStream' => 'twitter_player_stream',
'twitterPlayerStreamCtype' => 'twitter_player_stream_ctype',
// App.
'twitterAppDescription' => 'twitter_app_description',
'twitterAppIphoneName' => 'twitter_app_iphone_name',
'twitterAppIphoneID' => 'twitter_app_iphone_id',
'twitterAppIphoneUrl' => 'twitter_app_iphone_url',
'twitterAppIpadName' => 'twitter_app_ipad_name',
'twitterAppIpadID' => 'twitter_app_ipad_id',
'twitterAppIpadUrl' => 'twitter_app_ipad_url',
'twitterAppGoogleplayName' => 'twitter_app_googleplay_name',
'twitterAppGoogleplayID' => 'twitter_app_googleplay_id',
'twitterAppGoogleplayUrl' => 'twitter_app_googleplay_url',
'twitterAppCountry' => 'twitter_app_country',
// Generate data.
$data = [];
$object_id = $this->get_object_id();
$object_type = $this->get_object_type();
foreach ( $keys as $id => $key ) {
$data[ $id ] = $this->get_meta( $object_type, $object_id, 'rank_math_' . $key );
// Robots.
$data['robots'] = $this->normalize_robots( $this->get_meta( $object_type, $object_id, 'rank_math_robots' ) );
// Advanced Robots.
$data['advancedRobots'] = $this->normalize_advanced_robots( $this->get_meta( $object_type, $object_id, 'rank_math_advanced_robots' ) );
$data['pillarContent'] = 'on' === $data['pillarContent'];
// Username, avatar & Name.
$twitter_username = Helper::get_settings( 'titles.twitter_author_names' );
$data['twitterAuthor'] = $twitter_username ? $twitter_username : esc_html__( 'username', 'rank-math' );
$data['twitterUseFacebook'] = 'off' === $data['twitterUseFacebook'] ? false : true;
$data['facebookHasOverlay'] = empty( $data['facebookHasOverlay'] ) || 'off' === $data['facebookHasOverlay'] ? false : true;
$data['twitterHasOverlay'] = empty( $data['twitterHasOverlay'] ) || 'off' === $data['twitterHasOverlay'] ? false : true;
return wp_parse_args( $this->screen->get_object_values(), $data );
* Get site fav icon.
* @return string
private function get_site_icon() {
$favicon = get_site_icon_url( 16 );
return ! empty( $favicon ) ? $favicon : '';
* Normalize robots.
* @param array $robots Array to normalize.
* @return array
private function normalize_robots( $robots ) {
if ( ! is_array( $robots ) || empty( $robots ) ) {
$robots = Helper::get_robots_defaults();
return array_fill_keys( $robots, true );
* Normalize advanced robots.
* @param array $advanced_robots Array to normalize.
* @return array
private function normalize_advanced_robots( $advanced_robots ) {
if ( ! empty( $advanced_robots ) ) {
return $advanced_robots;
return Helper::get_advanced_robots_defaults();
* Return power words.
* @return array
private function power_words() {
static $words;
$locale = Locale::get_site_language();
$file = rank_math()->plugin_dir() . 'assets/vendor/powerwords/' . $locale . '.php';
if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
return $this->do_filter( 'metabox/power_words', [], $locale );
$words = $words ? $words : include $file;
return $this->do_filter( 'metabox/power_words', array_map( 'strtolower', $words ), $locale );
* Get diacritics (accents).
* @return array
private function diacritics() {
$locale = Locale::get_site_language();
$locale = in_array( $locale, [ 'en', 'de', 'ru' ], true ) ? $locale : 'en';
$file = rank_math()->plugin_dir() . 'assets/vendor/diacritics/' . $locale . '.php';
if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
return false;
$diacritics = include_once $file;
return $this->do_filter( 'metabox/diacritics', $diacritics, $locale );
* Load required screen.
* @param string $manual To load any screen manually.
public function load_screen( $manual = '' ) {
if ( Admin_Helper::is_post_edit() || 'post' === $manual ) {
$this->screen = new Post_Screen();
if ( Admin_Helper::is_term_edit() || 'term' === $manual ) {
$this->screen = new Taxonomy_Screen();
if ( User_Screen::is_enable() || 'user' === $manual ) {
$this->screen = new User_Screen();